6/9/20215 min read

The following stage is to look into the claims being made by the author or developer of the information after you've established their credibility. Are they delivering factual information?

However, we now face a challenge: how can we assess the claims' validity given that we lack the necessary subject-matter expertise?

One possible solution is to seek the assistance of professionals, not just one but several. With the aid of the internet, we can easily locate a broad range of professionals, including websites and authors who discuss relevant topics. To ensure that we are dealing with genuine experts, we need to utilize our credential evaluation skills as described in the previous section. Once we have filtered out the self-proclaimed "experts" without actual expertise in the field, we can then evaluate the remaining authentic experts to determine if there is a consensus and the reasons behind it. To conduct this research, we can employ a method known as lateral reading.

When conducting research on a certain topic, our browser should resemble this: numerous tabs with numerous authors, and moving back and forth between them to verify claims and credentials.

We should be aware of our own knowledge as well! We ask ourselves why we feel a certain way if something seems wrong or impossible. Even if the social networking site making the claim appears to be professional, for instance, in 2021, false claims were spread on social media alleging that the COVID-19 vaccines could cause infertility or were part of a government conspiracy to control the population, but these claims are not supported by credible evidence and have been debunked by health experts and scientific studies.

Another example, Suppose you come across a very professional-looking website claiming that a certain company has successfully cloned a human being. The website includes detailed descriptions of the cloning process and even features testimonies from supposed satisfied customers who have had their loved ones cloned.

However, you have never heard of this company before and there is no other credible source reporting on this breakthrough. You also know that human cloning is illegal in most countries and has been the subject of much controversy and ethical debate.

In this case, it is important to be skeptical and to seek out credible sources to verify the claims being made. You might start by looking for news articles from reputable sources, scientific studies or publications on human cloning, or seeking out expert opinions from respected scientists or organizations. By doing so, you can ensure that you are getting accurate information and not being misled by false or exaggerated claims.

When conducting research on a particular topic, it is crucial to avoid taking anyone's claims at face value, even if they purport to be backed by "research." Instead, it is advisable to take a thorough approach to evaluating the information, following the trail of evidence presented and seeking out additional sources to verify each claim or argument made.

In this process, it is important to look for markers of credibility, such as a bibliography, citations, or links to external sources. These can be used to establish the legitimacy of the information presented and the expertise of the sources providing it.

While having sources is an important part of any investigation, it's not the end of the story. To truly verify the claims being made, it's essential to follow those links and ask critical questions about the reliability and relevance of the sources cited.

This means digging deeper into the source material to determine if it truly supports the argument being made. Sometimes, people will include citations simply to make themselves appear more scholarly, even if the sources cited don't actually provide any meaningful support for their claims.

By taking the time to scrutinize the sources being used, researchers can avoid being misled by misleading or exaggerated claims. This can help them make more informed decisions and ultimately contribute to a more accurate understanding of the topic at hand. Remember: it's not just about having sources, it's about ensuring those sources are credible and relevant.

Have you ever seen a post on social media that makes a bold claim without citing any sources to back it up? Its essential to question whether the information is based on original research, if so, whether the information is peer review. This is why citing sources in social media is critical. it allows others to verify the information, evaluate the credibility of the claims, and prevent the spread of misinformation. So next time you're sharing information on social media, remember the importance of citing your sources-it may take some extra effort, but its worth to ensure the accuracy of the information you're sharing

Are their sources cited? They must because you do!

I want your currency........

Are you tired of being misled by outdated information on social media? Don't let old news ruin your day! Stay up-to-date and make informed decisions by evaluating the currency of the claims you come across.

For example, imagine you're in the market for a new car. You come across a claim on social media that a certain car model has unbeatable fuel efficiency. But, is that information still accurate? By evaluating the currency of the information, you can ensure that you're getting the most current and relevant information available.

Likewise, when it comes to health and wellness, outdated information can be harmful or even dangerous. Claims about miracle cures, fad diets, or unproven treatments may seem tempting, but they may be based on outdated or inaccurate information. Evaluating the currency of the information can help you make better decisions about your health and avoid falling for false claims

In conclusion, evaluating the currency of information is crucial when it comes to evaluating claims on social media. By staying informed and up-to-date, individuals can avoid being misled by outdated information and make smarter decisions based on reliable information. Don't let old news get the best of you – stay current and stay informed!

Take a test

We came across an Article on Facebook written by a health journalist claiming the health benefits of colloidal silver. Although the article seems credible with sources cited, we are hesitant to use it in our research project because the source-use appears manipulative and misleading upon further review.

To verify the claims made in the article, we conducted a Google search for "colloidal silver" to see if other sources agree with them. Our main objective was to determine if the claims are verifiable and have been supported by other reputable sources.

In our search, we sought to answer the following questions:

  • Are the claims made in the article supported by other sources?

  • Can they be independently verified?