6/9/20213 min read

Listen up, social media enthusiasts! Are you ready to learn about the wacky and wild world of objectives?

First things first, there are some creators out there who just want to make you laugh. And let's be real, we could all use a good laugh these days. But then there are the creators who want to sell you stuff. I mean, have you ever seen those Instagram ads for miracle diet pills or hair growth serums? Yeah, those guys have some pretty clear objectives.

And let's not forget the political organizations who want to sway public opinion. It's like they're playing a game of chess, but instead of kings and queens, they're using hashtags and clickbait headlines. It's enough to make your head spin!

But here's the thing, not all objectives are created equal. Some are downright sneaky and deceptive, like those fake news sites that want to spread lies and misinformation. You've got to keep your wits about you and do a little investigating to separate fact from fiction.

So, my friends, the moral of the story is this: When it comes to social media, it pays to be objective about objectives. Don't believe everything you see, and always ask yourself, "What's the objective here?" Because, let's face it, sometimes the answer is just to make you laugh. And hey, there's nothing wrong with that!

Sometimes things are not good or bad in and of themselves, but rather it depends on the situation they are used in. For example, a funny article that is meant to make people laugh could be misunderstood and taken as a serious news article if someone doesn't realize it's a joke. This could lead to embarrassing consequences, such as spreading false information. However, in the right context, such as when teaching about satire, that same article could be a good resource to help people understand what satire is and how it works. Therefore, it's important to be aware of the context in which something is being used, so you can understand its meaning and use it appropriately.

Developing the habit of asking yourself about the objectives behind any piece of information is a key defense against the increasingly pervasive influence of misinformation, propaganda, and manipulation in our social media landscape. By doing so, you can sharpen your critical thinking skills and improve your ability to discern fact from fiction. This is especially important when dealing with sources that have agendas, such as political propaganda, satirical news, or sales pitches. By consciously considering the objectives of the source, you can gain valuable insight into the potential biases, hidden agendas, or ulterior motives behind the information presented. Armed with this knowledge, you can make more informed and thoughtful decisions about what to believe and what to discard, thereby increasing your immunity against manipulation, deception, and exploitation.

Don't be fooled: An example

The Bangladeshi newspapers published an article from a satirical US website that claimed the Moon landings were faked, without realizing that the website's objective was to entertain rather than to report factual news.

Satirical websites are known for their use of irony and humor to poke fun at current events or social issues, and their articles are not intended to be taken seriously. In this case, the objective of the satirical website was to entertain its readers, not to report accurate news or information.

By not critically evaluating the objectives of the website, the newspapers mistakenly published the article as if it were a factual news story. This demonstrates the importance of fact-checking and critical evaluation of sources and information, particularly on social media where misinformation can spread quickly.

In this case, the newspapers apologized for their mistake, but the misinformation had already been spread to their readers. It's important for media outlets and individuals alike to take responsibility for the accuracy of the information they share and consume on social media, and to be aware of the objectives of the sources they are relying on for information.

Take a Test

"Don't let social media fool you!! Always question the objectives behind online information."

Here are two sites, take a careful look and ask these consider the following question:

What is the objectives of these site? What are they trying to achieve?

